Join Us at Mayflower!
"The friendly place to meet and worship."
Worship: Sunday - 10:30 a.m.
2901 W. Mt. Hope Ave. Lansing, MI 48911
Corner of Mt. Hope and Lewton
(click for map and directions)
phone: (517) 484-3139
email: info@mayflowerchurch.com
Mayflower Mission Statement:
As the Beloved Community of Christ, we commit ourselves to
invite, accept, and affirm all of God’s children. We will serve,
love, and give to all humankind as we worship, learn, and
grow together.
• Annual Meeting - January 26 - after church • Women's Bible Study - Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. - All are welcome! • Want to become a Member at Mayflower? It's easy! Contact us at the church office to learn more: (517) 484-3139 or email: info(at)mayflowerchurch.com |
Mayflower Church... Come grow with us!